Creativity is about having the courage to not only find your voice but to share it with others. It isn’t just about drawing or writing or the ‘arts’, it’s about approaching problems and scenarios with a different perspective and using that perspective to come up with different, more innovative solutions.

We are all born creative, whether you want to believe that or not. It’s the truth. But somewhere along the way, we lost that child-like ability to play and use our imaginations; to just sit somewhere and stare at the clouds and daydream – wondering what we could accomplish if we really put our minds to it. It became ‘socially unacceptable’ and not a productive use of someone’s time. I call hogwash.

Creativity is the backbone of mankind. Things get built because someone first thought of an idea. Innovation is fueled by creative thinking. Happiness is fueled by our ability to be authentic, and if you’re not using your creative voice in your everyday life, then you’re not being your authentic self. And that my friend’s is a recipe for disaster!

So what’s stopping you? What’s holding you back from you, just being you?


Am I right? Of course I am. Because I’ve been there. I get it. You’re scared. It can be frightening – almost paralyzing to face those fears. For too long I was afraid, and kept my creativity safely hidden in the closest. Afraid of being laughed at…ridiculed for being a bit zany, a bit different.

But no more. See, I’ve learned that I cannot truly be happy and satisfied with my life unless I’m actively engaging my creative voice. And for me, it manifests itself in many different ways. I colour my hair (a lot), I re-arrange furniture, I rip down walls and then re-build them, I write, I garden, I love to problem solve. Now, you may be thinking so what? That’s just everyday stuff. And that’s my point.

"Creativity IS the every day stuff"

Creativity IS the everyday stuff. It’s the way you style your hair, the way you dress, the way you approach that nattering person at work, what you cook for dinner, or that certain way you sign your name. It’s all the little things. It is inside of you. Creativity IS freedom. And I desperately want to help you find it. Liberate it. Set it free. Because the world needs you, to just be you. That’s the greatest gift you can give to yourself and to others. It’s okay to be afraid – it really is. But it’s not okay to let those fears stand in the way of anything you do or want to accomplish. Life is hard. Horrible things happen to good people, people like you, and sometimes nothing makes sense. But you don’t have to go that road alone. There are others like you and I, and they hang out here. And together, we inspire and motivate each other to live not only our best creative lives – but our most authentic lives. Let the light shine in people. It’s time, so let’s have some fun, be ourselves, and whip up a dance party or two or three or four… (You get the idea. I LOVE to dance).

Are you in? ‘Cause I’m waiting for you…



Download this free training guide outlining ten keys to start living your best creative life!


“She makes me laugh – I mean really laugh. It doesn’t matter how bad of a mood I’m in or how down I may be feeling, she lifts me up. She has this unique way of knowing exactly what to say and when to say it, and in terms I can relate to and that has meaning to me.

She’s helped me find my inner creative voice and has given me the courage to use it everyday, in everything I do. But even more, she’s always got my back, encouraging me, inspiring me, and motivating me to ‘just be me’. I’m honestly not sure where I’d be without her. What she did for me, I know she can do for you.”

– J. Williams

6PK Photography


We’ll give you first dibs on the blog posts and podcasts, as well as share secret subscriber info and resources that you just can’t get anywhere else. Now that my friends is a serious opportunity you just don’t want to miss!

Seriously, you don’t.


Warming Up the Crowd!

I LOVE microphone tricks

“While we have the gift of life, it seems to me the only tragedy is to allow part of us to die – whether it is our spirit, our creativity or our glorious uniqueness.”

~ Gilda Radner


"The humour in her posts makes me giggle all the time! Makes a bad day, good!"


"Trish is bright and full of positive energy. Smiling and always a joy to be around."


"Trish is creative and innovative. Passionate and compassionate. She's committed to excellence in everything she does and every person she meets."

~ A.P

"Trish has such positive and boundless energy and excels at motivating others!"


"Her number one superpower is that she is able to make anyone smile or laugh. For me, that is the most important thing."


Her superpowers? Her loyalty, strength and the ability to put things into perspective!"


"Her ability to make people smile is infectious. I admire her determination to follow her dreams, and caring for others in a very genuine way."
