I’m a writer, a creator, a storyteller, a motivator, and Jane of all trades – meaning there’s so much I like to do and am interested in. One day I’m writing some fiction, the next maybe some non-fiction. Or, I could be puttering away doing some graphic design or working on a website. Or, I could be out in the backyard digging in the garden or firing up my chain saw and whacking down some branches. You get the idea. It all depends on my mood and the job that needs to be accomplished.

I'm also a Rehab Therapist, specializing in Education and Life Skills. I mainly work with children and young adults who have been in a motor vehicle accident and suffer from Acquired Brain Injuries, behavioural issues (resulting from the ABI), and physical impairments, including spinal cord injury

- mentoring and helping both the client and their caregivers maneuver through the day to day challenges of these devasting accidents.

I love being an entrepreneur and letting my mind and imagination take me where I need to go.

I’m game for most things – unless it involves really high places or eating/associating with bugs and creepy critters, and I believe there is nothing better than living your authentic life. Courage, strength, creativity, and resilience are some of my favourite words, and I want to leave this world knowing I’ve done what I can to make it a better, kinder, gentler, and more humane place.

Me and 3 of my nephews!


Illustration from “The Rabbit Family”. (Yes, each rabbit was based on a member of my own family. What? I was little.)

I began to write at the age of five, using my family as characters in my first epic novel, “The Rabbit Family”. Although never formally published, the single, handwritten and self-illustrated copy of “The Rabbit Family” did make appearances at the local school, grocery store, bowling alley and bridge club meetings, courtesy of an enthusiastic Mother and her large purse.

I am grateful to my family for allowing me to develop my imagination and creative flair without ever passing judgment. I realize at times this must have been difficult.

I was blessed to be born into the most wonderful and loving family, with parents who adored each other and three incredible older brothers who still arm wrestle at Christmas to see who’s the strongest.

My older sister is my best friend and someone I’m not sure I could ever do without. My family gave me my foundation and helped me be the person I am today. We’ve had our struggles, losing Mom at such a young age, being at the top of the list, but we’ve always stuck together. I am thankful for their love and the love of their spouses and children.

Being the youngest kid in a big family is an awesome thing, even if meant I had to be the “official television station changer” before the invention of the wireless remote (long story…maybe a future blog post!). And then there were the times my oldest brother made me run laps through the house to “train” for the Olympics, while he sat on the stairs, laughed and shouted the odd word of encouragement. Do I begrudge him? Heck no! I just made his two girls sprint back and forth in my backyard when they came to visit.

I’ve done many things in my life career-wise, and I’m proud of all of it. From being the care-giver to my Mom as she battled cancer, to taking over my Mom’s role in our family restaurant after she passed away (I was 24), to eventually becoming an Academic Councillor and Life Coach to those who had suffered a traumatic brain injury in a motor vehicle accident, to writing books and doing other creative work in any spare minute I could find.

All this has taught me so much, and I’ve been blessed to tell some wonderful stories of human experience and write some good old fashioned fiction as well. The resiliency of the human spirit is amazing, and it inspires me to want to give back, to share what I’ve learned, and to help others. I’ve been down to the pits. I’ve experienced grief and pain that was unimaginable – at least to me. I get it. I understand. I feel your pain. So let’s come together and share.

My Mom and I. (1989 – Five years before she passed away.)

Just rocking some air guitar at a dance party. Feeling the music like NOBODY’S BUSINESS!

All this has taught me so much, and I’ve been blessed to tell some wonderful stories of human experience and write some good old fashioned fiction as well. The resiliency of the human spirit is amazing, and it inspires me to want to give back, to share what I’ve learned, and to help others. I’ve been down to the pits. I’ve experienced grief and pain that was unimaginable – at least to me. I get it. I understand. I feel your pain. So let’s come together and share.

I love my life and I am so grateful and thankful for every aspect, the good, the bad, and the ugly – and I’m not going to lie, there has been some ugly. Life is a journey. And we have no idea where that journey is going or how it’s going to end. There are going to be bumps and there are going to be bruises; you’re going to fall…BUT you’re also going to get back up and face those challenges because if you don’t, you never know what may have been.

There’s no one phrase to describe me, and no one box that fits my personality. I’m a wild spirit, a free spirit, and I use that spirit to help others break free from their own constraints, both self-inflicted and societal. The goal of Creative Spark Nation is to inspire, motivate, and encourage you to find that wild creative spirit that’s hiding inside of you and SET IT FREE!

That’s my job – to help you discover what’s holding you back, and to create a warm, fun, and inspiring environment that motivates you to take the next step forward, whatever that step might be. It doesn’t have to be a giant leap; baby steps will do just fine.

You matter. Not the person you’re pretending to be or think you should be – but YOU!

Your real, authentic, vulnerable, mess of a self, you!

Come join me on the journey!


Want the whole down dirty truth about my life and journey thus far? Click the audio link to the right (there is no video) and have a listen to the speech I gave at an event celebrating “International Women’s Day”.


  • I like to make people laugh and help them find their inner child.

  • Goodness knows, mine is on display often.

  • I wear my heart on my sleeve.

  • I sometimes say bad words.

  • I sometimes even write them. A lot.

  • I am fiercely independent and believe that nobody is better at being you, than you.

  • I love with all my heart and cherish my family and friends.

  • I suck at gymnastics.

  • I don’t like the words “moist” or “phlegm”.

  • Some of my friends are imaginary, and that’s okay.

  • I can talk to rabbits and chipmunks and they understand what I’m saying.

  • I have random thoughts.

  • I have my mother’s thighs.

  • I LOVE playing the drums.

  • I don’t believe in perfection. Flaws are much more fun. They tell a story.

  • I’m not the best at asking for help. Sometimes I think I should be able to do it all myself. I can’t. (Working on this)

  • I believe that vulnerability is the key to authenticity.

  • I’m a tucker. I hate when my shirt isn’t tucked into my pants because my back gets cold.

  • I have quirks. (See above statement). I love my quirks. I own my quirks and I don’t care what other people think of my quirks (although I have been ridiculed for tucking before).

  • I LOVE to dance.

  • I LOVE to sing.

  • I do both whenever possible, especially while driving or in my home office. #HomeOfficeDancePartiesRock

  • I make a mean banana bread.

  • I want to teach myself to play the piano.

  • I’m sentimental as hell.

  • I prefer to write in pencil.

  • I like to do ‘character voices’.

  • I have enough interests and hobbies to keep me occupied for decades.

  • Sometimes I can get chatty.

  • There’s nothing I love more than the crackle of a bonfire.

  • I LOVE building shit.

  • I change my hair colour and style a tonne. Why? Because I can.