Make Your Life

Make Your Life

August 30, 20207 min read

Hi. My Name is Trish and I have a serious problem.

I cannot stop making things – whether is it out of wood, gravel, yeast, fruits, or vegetables, I cannot stop building, baking, canning and freezing. I cannot stop looking at recipes or scouring plans for projects.

I went out last night to buy some Chinese food for dinner. Sounds simple right? But they were closed already. I was super ticked because it was only 7 pm and I’d been doing some serious physical labour all day and every cell in my body was craving Chinese food. I didn’t want a burger or any other sort of fast food, but I still wanted something that was quick and easy to make.

So, I went with my old stand by – a hot dog. I knew I didn’t have any buns, so after the Chinese food store, I drove up to our little farmer’s market because they have a bakery inside. Lately, I’d just been making my own buns, but I was fresh out, and while a piece of bread is an acceptable substitute, I felt like a bun.

As soon as I parked the car, I knew I was in trouble. There under the side building display was a row of peaches. Since peach season began, I’d already bought about twelve cartons. I’d made peach jam and canned a whole bunch of sliced peaches. I did NOT need anymore peaches.

“Just walk right by Trishy, just keep walking, you can do it. You do NOT need anymore peaches!”

“Oh…but just look at them all. They’re perfectly ripe and so beautiful. I MUST have them!”

“Keep walking!”

I was almost past when I caved. These peaches were in old-fashioned extra-large wooden containers. NONE of the other peaches I’d purchased were in wooden containers. I love wooden baskets. They remind me so much of being a kid and helping my Mom can. Plus, they were handy for putting things in once the peaches were gone, not like those flimsy cardboard containers. These ones had some strength, some durability.

See how beautiful they are? And that old fashioned wooden container? I mean c’mon!

You know I bought them. I actually surprised myself by only buying one. I had my hand on a second, but my subconscious managed to pry my fingers off the handle just in time. I bought more peaches because of the container. WTH? And now I need to figure out what I’m going to do with them?

Maybe a nice peach chutney or peach salsa? Or? Or? I had my hand on some pears too, but pear season is just starting here and these were pretty firm, so it was easier for me to say no. The other day I bought a bushel of red peppers and half a bushel of green peppers. Did I mention the I live alone and feed no one but myself?

Yes, that is a lot of bell peppers.

Clearly, I need an intervention of some sort.

Once I got home, I started thinking about these last six months or so and all the projects I’ve gotten myself in to inside the house and out. I wondered if maybe all this was me trying to just keep myself busy through the quarantine, and I think that’s part of it, but digger deeper, I think it’s just who I am.

I need to create. All the time. It doesn’t just manifest itself in words I need to write on the page, it appears in the daily things I do and the way I live my life. Of course, I could just go to the store and purchase canned peaches or peach jam or salsa or garden boxes. Yes, I could hire someone and pay to have a concrete patio laid or the driveway redone.

But then I would be missing out on the thing that keeps me sane and drives my happiness – using my creativity to see these projects come to fruition on their own, by my hands, and my sheer sweat and sometimes blood. There is nothing like it. Seeing a picture in your mind and then making it happen.

We all have this ability, we really do, yet a wide swath of us have just convinced ourselves that we don’t, and that “we are just not creative”. Nothing could be further from the truth. Creativity isn’t just about the arts or writing or designing, it’s a way of living bravely and not being concerned what others think of us.

Living creativity is about expressing ourselves in whatever means we need to, about being proud of our individuality and celebrating who we are as a person. It’s about seeing the joy in a hummingbird at the feeder you installed on the fencepost or searching for a new recipe to try.

The difference between “creative” and so-called “non-creative” people is that creative people just tend to express their creativity in a more outward manner. That’s it. And I think it’s important for a creative person like myself to continue to do so as a way to encourage others, especially those stubborn “non-creatives” who continuously fight with their psyches about how “non-creative” they really are, like it’s a badge of honour.

It’s not a badge of honour though. The true badge of honour is letting that creativity out and showing the world what you can do! It doesn’t have to be perfect – perfection is a horrible myth that uses fear as a means to keep one from moving forward. It’s nasty and so self-defeating. Do your best to let that perfectionism go. You’ll never live your best life if you don’t.

I am not a perfectionist. I don’t care what other people think. I know I’m not the best writer in the world. I know that not all the corners on my renovation build are not perfectly square. I know that my concrete patio has a few stones that are higher on one side.


I did and continue to do my best, and that’s all I can ask of myself.

To expect perfection is to never write a single word, build a single thing, sing a single note, make a single loaf of bread, plant a single plant. And to live a life without these things is unacceptable to me, and it should be to you too. There is so much creativity inside of us, just itching to get out! Let it! Open up your mind for crying out loud and let it out!

When I say I have a serious problem, I mean it, I do. I cannot stop creating. And guess what? I’m not going to stop either! Because creating makes me happy. It’s an ocean of fresh air, especially in these troubling times. It’s where I find my light and it’s where I find my peace. It’s what unlocks my zest for life and allows me to give myself freely to others.

When the well is full, I feel unstoppable! I feel that nothing or no one can stand in the way of my dreams and goals. And boy oh boy is the well full these days! It’s practically bursting at the seams. And why is the well so full? Because I’ve allowed myself to let it be filled. I’ve given myself permission to just daydream, use my imagination and become inspired. I’ve allowed myself to get lost in the art of creating.

I’ve given myself permission to MAKE a life and not just live a life, and with that permission, I’ve freed myself from any preconceived notions as to what my life should be. Now, it’s what I make it. Every day, I get up and I get to decide what I’m going to make of this glorious time on earth I have. I have no idea how long that time may be, but I am going to do my damnedest to make it count.

So, here’s your challenge. MAKE your life, don’t just live it. MAKE it. Create it.

You decide.

And speaking of making and deciding, I have to go and decide what the hell I’m going to make with my peaches. And then there’s the peppers…and I do want to try my food mill…

Lots to make with life. Try it, you’ll be surprised at what you too can make.

Thanks for your time. Peace and love.

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Trish Faber

I’m a writer, a creator, a storyteller, and Jane of all trades – meaning there’s so much I like to do and am interested in. One day I’m writing some fiction, the next maybe some non-fiction. Or, I could be puttering away doing some graphic design or working on a website. Or, I could be out in the backyard digging in the garden or firing up my chain saw and whacking down some branches. You get the idea. It all depends on my mood and the job that needs to be accomplished. I love being an entrepreneur and letting my mind and imagination take me where I need to go.

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