Crazy Aunt TeeTaa

Crazy Aunt TeeTaa

I started writing this post on Friday but I was super, super grumpy so I decided to scrap it all and just go to bed. On Wednesday afternoon, I had a bit of an “incident”. One of the young men I help w... ...more

Gratitude ,Happiness &Stories

January 31, 202110 min read



Here we are, the final Sunday of 2020. Is there anything to say about this year that hasn’t already been said? It’s been a crazy one that’s for sure, and certainly nothing like any of us expected! ...more

Happiness ,Random Thoughts

December 27, 20207 min read

May You Always Hear the Sleighbells

May You Always Hear the Sleighbells

Well, here we are! The last Sunday before Christmas! Despite the chaos and craziness of this year, I’ve found that time has just flown, especially these past four months. I’m looking forward to some m... ...more

Family Stories ,Gratitude &Happiness

December 20, 20209 min read

A Bad Case of the Blues

A Bad Case of the Blues

In the spirit of being truthful and authentic, it’s been a terrible week. I just can’t seem to shake this overwhelming feeling of the blues. I’ve been fighting it for a couple of weeks if not months t... ...more

Family Stories ,Gratitude &Happiness

November 23, 202012 min read

Afternoon Fires

Afternoon Fires

I have a confession to make. Nine out of ten times I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to write about in these posts until I actually sit down to write them. It’s not that I don’t have any ideas,... ...more

Creativity ,Gratitude &Happiness

September 20, 20208 min read

In A Jam? I’ve Got A Pickle!

In A Jam? I’ve Got A Pickle!

I haven’t done much writing lately, not because I’ve been uninspired but because I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of canning and preserving food. My Grandma and my Mom were big canners and I have so m... ...more

Family Stories ,Creativity Gratitude Happiness &Random Thoughts

August 09, 20208 min read



On Saturday morning, my siblings and I received a text from my oldest brother announcing the birth of his second grandson, Wesley. Wesley was a little pokey in his arrival – eight days pokey and in hi... ...more

Family Stories ,Gratitude &Happiness

July 26, 20207 min read

Let That Kid Out!

Let That Kid Out!

I was outside this afternoon staining some wooden chairs, and normally I have some tunes going, but today I was just content to listen to the birds and the wind rustling the trees. It was a hot and st... ...more

Curiosity ,Happiness &Random Thoughts

June 21, 20207 min read

I Am A Mother

I Am A Mother

Today is Mother’s Day here in Canada, and I would first like to wish all those Mother’s out there celebrating, a Happy Mother’s Day! As a society we like to set aside these special days to celebrate M... ...more

Family Stories ,Gratitude &Happiness

May 10, 20206 min read

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