Just Not that creative

I’m Just Not That Creative…

March 16, 20204 min read

Really?  You’re just not that creative?  You really believe that?

As someone who is outwardly creative, I hear this excuse all the time.  And yes, it is an excuse.  There is no such thing as creative and non-creative people.  There just isn’t.  There are however, people who use their creativity and those who don’t.  It really is that simple.  So why is it then that some of use our creativity while others don’t?

Fear.  Neglect.  Shame.   Over the years we’ve told ourselves the story that we can’t do this, or we can’t do that because we’re “just not the creative type”.  That story is a lie we tell ourselves so we don’t have to put ourselves out there and expose our vulnerabilities.  It makes us feel better.

The lie has also been perpetuated by the idea that creativity is only about creating art – like writing or drawing, the classic examples of what supposedly constitutes creativity.  But creativity is so much more than creating art. It’s the idea of self expression, problem solving, and not conforming to the norm.

It’s about digging a little deeper into the problem and finding a different solution.  If you can’t go through the fence, then you go over it right?  Well that right there is being creative.  It’s thinking of a different solution.  It’s not giving up when solution A, B or C doesn’t work.  It’s having the idea and the faith that D will, or if not D, then E.  See where I’m going with this?

Sure. Whatever. Sounds like a lot of bullshit to me, you’re saying. Trust me, I can hear you.  Negative thoughts.  They’re in abundance within the “non-creative” crowd.  And that’s where your non-creativity lives – in your mind.  It’s all in your head.

We all have the ability to be creative and we show it everyday, whether we think we do or not.  The clothes you picked out to wear this morning, the flower arrangement you made or chose for the kitchen table or the mash up dinner you’re making with leftovers.  Those are all examples of creativity!  They are everywhere in our everyday lives, you just have to look for them. Sometimes, they are subtle but they are there.

So much of our lives are held back by fear.  Fear of what people will think.  Fear of standing out in the crowd. Fear of being judged.  I understand all of those fears.  I’ve been there and struggled with each and every one of them.  Mine were all based around intelligence and creativity and the idea that some how expressing myself, my true self, would make me less than everyone.  It would make me stand out. People would laugh. People would judge.

The thing is, I was miserable.  I let the fears take over and it made me miserable. Over the years, I’ve realized that if I’m not creating, no matter what it is or how small it is, then I’m not being true to myself and I’m not contributing meaning to my own life and the lives of those around me.

We are all born creative.  We are all born with the ability of expression.  Look at the story of Helen Keller.  At nineteen months she lost her sight, her hearing, and the ability to speak.  Yet, with help from her teacher Annie Sullivan, she found a way to communicate.  She found a way to express herself.  They both used creative thinking to bridge the enormous gaps created by her disabilities.  That is creativity at its finest.

The next time you tell yourself that “you’re just not creative”, I want you to stop and take a moment.  Think of everything you’ve done that day. Think of the problems you’ve solved at home or at work or at school or wherever you may be.  Think of how you got to where you are.  I guarantee there is at least one instance of creative thinking.  Maybe you’ll even surprise yourself and find two!

Creativity is all around us and is definitely inside of you.  You just have to have the courage to look.  Your life will be infinitely more fulfilling if you do.  Creativity isn’t something we do, it’s something we are, and with a little effort and a little bravery, you too can find your creative spirit.  And once you do, you’ll realize that you never really lost it – it was just sort of misplaced for a while.  Go forth and create!

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Trish Faber

I’m a writer, a creator, a storyteller, and Jane of all trades – meaning there’s so much I like to do and am interested in. One day I’m writing some fiction, the next maybe some non-fiction. Or, I could be puttering away doing some graphic design or working on a website. Or, I could be out in the backyard digging in the garden or firing up my chain saw and whacking down some branches. You get the idea. It all depends on my mood and the job that needs to be accomplished. I love being an entrepreneur and letting my mind and imagination take me where I need to go.

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