Afternoon Fires

Afternoon Fires

September 20, 20208 min read

I have a confession to make. Nine out of ten times I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to write about in these posts until I actually sit down to write them. It’s not that I don’t have any ideas, my head is full of ideas, I just can’t seem to pinpoint one ahead of time. I think I know what I want to write about and then something happens, like I watch a leaf fall, and then my initial idea is shot, and I need to write about leaves. Or squirrels. Or pickles. You get my drift. I shoot from the hip and write what comes into my head at that very moment. If you’ve been following me, I’m sure this is evident.

Another confession. I’m usually pulling in late to the finish line. I schedule the posts to go live at 9 am on Sunday mornings my time, and there’s some weeks where it’s 11:30 on the Saturday night and I’m still finishing up. Granted, I need to get better with this because there’s going to be some Saturday where something happens, and I don’t get it done in time. Not that too many people would care I don’t think, it’s only a blog post, but I made a commitment to do this every week and it’s important for me to keep that commitment to myself and to you.

And it’s not that I’m a procrastinator because I’m really not. If anything, I’m on the anal scale of being organized and getting things done. I think this past while, my plate has just been a bit full with a bunch of other projects I needed to clear up and it’s kept me from focusing on writing, and that’s okay. We do what we have to do in the space we have and the number of hours we can devote.

And now that my other projects have finished up, I’m ready and excited to start devoting a tonne of hours to my writing and creative work. I have so many things planned, and so many ideas that I’d love to see come to fruition. I know I won’t get to all of them, but I’m certainly going to give it a go!

Me at the computer

I’m an Autumn girl. Summer is okay but there is nothing I love more than sitting by a bonfire on a crisp afternoon – which is exactly what I’m doing right now (see photo). The more I have to bundle up the better. Wear a toque? Absolutely. There’s just something that happens to me when the air changes. I feel renewed. I’m energized. Not to go run a marathon or anything because that’s just silly, but I’m energized in a very soulful and spiritual way. Yeah, yeah, cue the incense burning and give me a round of “om’s”. I get it, it all sounds a little like whacky granola.

But the truth is, it’s real for me. There’s something about Fall that just moves my soul and whips my butt into shape. Again, not to run a marathon because that’s just silly, but just to be inspired to do new things and invest time in tasks and projects that I want to do. I’ve never been a summer writer. I mean, yes, I’ve written in the summer, but it’s been because I’ve had to. I’ve had deadlines or I’ve been finishing something up. I’ve never started a writing project in the summer. Even my epic novel, “The Rabbit Family” was written in the dead of winter (also a prime creative season for me). It’s just not the most creative or inspiring time for me.

Now all of this might seem meaningless to you, as it should because it’s utter nonsense. I mean, a writer should be able to write at anytime right? As creatives or people in general, do we have peak seasons? Peak periods where we feel more creative or productive than others? Research suggests that this is true on a daily basis, like some people are more creative/productive in the mornings (definitely not me) and some are better at night (definitely me) but I haven’t seen any definitive scientific research on the subject as it pertains to seasons.

Either way, I know (be right back, need to add a log to the fire) that when Fall rolls around I’ll be in prime creative/productive mode. Maybe it’s because there’s just so much to see in Fall and everyday is different, my brain is constantly stimulated. The leaves change colour, the shadows hang a little wider and deeper and the wind in the trees just seems to speak a little stronger and a little clearer, like the leaves know they won’t be dancing for much longer. The chipmunks and squirrels in my backyard are in constant motion running back and forth from my nut pile, hoarding everything they can fit into their mouths with a willful glee, thinking they’ve just hit the motherload.

School is back in, work is in full swing, everyone is busy, yet I find such a peace and tranquility in this time. For me, life becomes simple. Stripped down. And the bounties of the harvest bring me back to a time when things were uncomplicated. The times I spent peeling apples with my Mom and filling the freezer for an endless supply of homemade applesauce and pies. And that smell! Fall has a distinctive smell that just puts me in the right frame of mind for getting busy.

I think more that Fall is a time of Thanksgiving, and boy do I have so much to be thankful for. I am blessed beyond words and I am grateful for everyone and everything in my life. It hasn’t always been easy, but no one ever said it would be. It’s what we make of it, each and every day, each and every season.

The point is, and I always do have a point, is that we can’t expect ourselves to run on full steam all the time. It’s just impossible. So, if you have times that you are more productive than others, that’s okay. If there are times you need to just step back and rest, that’s okay. If you’re feeling energetic and inspired, then let it rip! Go for it! Let that creativity out for a good long run. If you’re inspired to get up at the crack of dawn, then do it. If that’s your time, then go with it. If it’s not, then hit the snooze button. It’s your life and you can live it anyway you choose! Winter, spring, summer, fall! Whatever, whenever!

I think one of the things that kept me from blogging for so long was the apparent “rules”. And if you do any sort of research on the topic, then you’ll know what I mean. Only write about one topic. Make each post relatively the same length. Have your content organized for at least six months at a time. Only write about one topic. Did I already mention that? I have no idea how people can only write about one thing every time. I get the ideology behind it but there’s no way I can follow that, and I think a lot of other writers or potential bloggers out there probably feel the same way.

Well my opinion on the matter? Screw the rules! Write what you want! Do what you want! Go against the norms. Nothing new was ever created or accomplished by people following the rules. Now I’m not advocating that you go and do something that gets your ass in jail, all I’m saying is that some times (most of the time) what’s good for the goose is NOT always good for the gander, and you should make your own way in life.

What that means to you in the long term is up to you. What it means to me in the long term is up to me. What it means in the short term to both of us is that I will continue to not know what I’m going to write about until the minute I sit down to do it. I will continue to fly by the seat of my pants and give my unbridled commentary on whatever subject is in my heart at that moment. Why? Because I can. And so can you. In whatever aspect of your life you need it to be.

Autumn Leaves

Like the leaves on a tree, we don’t all last forever. The time will come when we slowly break away from the pack and fall gently to the ground. But until that happens, embrace your Fall colours! Embrace your beautiful moment in the sun. Right now, this beautiful season of colours and apples and crisp air and afternoon fires and flannel pajamas is my time and I’m sure as heck going to make the best of it.

Talk to you next week – the fire needs another log and the chipmunks are giving me death stares cause they’re out of peanuts in the nut pile.

All the best.

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Trish Faber

I’m a writer, a creator, a storyteller, and Jane of all trades – meaning there’s so much I like to do and am interested in. One day I’m writing some fiction, the next maybe some non-fiction. Or, I could be puttering away doing some graphic design or working on a website. Or, I could be out in the backyard digging in the garden or firing up my chain saw and whacking down some branches. You get the idea. It all depends on my mood and the job that needs to be accomplished. I love being an entrepreneur and letting my mind and imagination take me where I need to go.

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