Easy Street Ain’t the Road to Take

Easy Street Ain’t the Road to Take

June 28, 20205 min read

I’m down to the wire tonight with my blog post. It’s 9:30 on Saturday night and my new post is supposed to go live at 7:00 am Sunday morning. It’s not that I’ve had trouble thinking of something to write about, I’ve just been busy with work during the day and then finishing up the renovation of my backyard – another “TitsnToolz project.”

My view right now.

As I sit here with my laptop enjoying a glass of wine, it’s not lost on me how thankful I am for everything and everyone in my life. I worked super hard renovating this space and to finally be able to enjoy it in its full splendor is magnificent. I am grateful that I’ve been blessed with the gumption to even tackle a project like this. It wasn’t small but the payoff has been unreal, and I’m so glad I stuck with it and didn’t give up.

I could have. One hundred and ten bags of 66lb cement is a lot to mix with a shovel and a wheelbarrow but the thought of giving up and calling someone else in to finish up never even crossed my mind. It’s not that I’m a glutton for punishment, it’s just that when I set a goal for myself, I pride myself in following through, however long it takes.

I think if we never push ourselves, we never truly know what we are capable of. I’m not saying you have to take on a massive renovation project all by yourself, I realize that’s a bit crazy, but just something that pushes you to do more than the basic minimum. The “basic minimum” seems to be the level of excellence in these days of participation badges for everyone. We’re always so full of excuses as to why we cannot accomplish something, and some of them are legitimate for sure, but some of them, okay let’s say most of them, are just made up bullshit. We’re always ready to throw the excuse out there before we’ve even given it a shot.

We just stay where we are in life because we’re too scared to move forward and try anything new. Heaven forbid we fail! We can’t have that!

I cannot tell you how many times I had to go back and fix something in the course of this renovation and the renovation of the lower level of my house. I cannot tell you how many times in life I’ve failed at something or it didn’t go as planned. Do I get bummed and want to throw in the towel? Of course, it’s human nature to want to take the easy road but taking the easy road isn’t going to lead you to the land of milk and honey. And the idea of always taking the easy way as the best way is a load of crap too. If you’re always taking the easy way, then you become complacent and, in my opinion, being complacent is not where you want to hang your hat for very long.

Complacency breeds a sort of thinking that stunts your growth. It keeps you in a place where you never move forward, backward or even side to side. And movement is the key to life, both in a physical and cognitive way. If you’re not moving, then you are stuck, simple as that. Now I know that we all get stuck sometimes, that is a given, the point is to do what you can to get unstuck. Whether that’s going out for a short walk or trying a different flavour of ice cream, one that you never thought you’d like. Maybe you’ll hate it, but the point is, you at least tried it. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll love it! And just think how much better and more enjoyable your life will be now – all because you tried something new.

See how that works?

I realize that flavours of ice cream are a lame example but I’m currently eating some “Tiger Tail” right from the container and I am so much happier and fulfilled because as a child I gave it a try, even though I’m not a fan of black licorice. I tried it, and I liked it! No, I loved it! I could have stuck with the same old vanilla, but I went out on a limb and my life has never been the same since!

Pushing yourself, trying something new, taking the next step, are all ways of keeping yourself in motion, keeping yourself moving. Our bodies were built to move, and our minds were built on the idea of motion. How do you think the brain works? It’s a gallizion little electrodes flying though all the networks, constantly making connections, getting shit done. The more you use it, the stronger and quicker these connections become, so it’s vital to use it!

Now all of what I’m saying is for the overall picture. Of course, the body also needs rest, and while I love to be in motion, I also understand that rest is important for both our bodies and our minds. It needs to recharge and retool so it’s ready for the next challenge. If you’re complacent and riding on easy street, then everything just sort of starts shutting down. Your body slows, your mind slows and you just sort of putter along…and sputter…and putter…and sputter…then eventually you just peter out.

That is no way to live.

Here’s my advice, and that’s all it is, my advice. It may mean something to you, it may not but you’re here reading this so I’m going to give it to you anyways. You’ve come this far right?

Challenge yourself. Push your limits. See what you can do. But don’t do it because I told you to, do it because YOU want to. Do it because you want to see what YOU can accomplish. Do it because you want to see what stars you can reach. Do it because there is no better feeling than discovering you’re so much braver, stronger and courageous than you think you are. Do it because you deserve it and because you are worth it. And that alone is worth the effort. Believe in yourself and magic can happen.

Below are a few pictures of my finished backyard renovation.


Backyard 2

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Trish Faber

I’m a writer, a creator, a storyteller, and Jane of all trades – meaning there’s so much I like to do and am interested in. One day I’m writing some fiction, the next maybe some non-fiction. Or, I could be puttering away doing some graphic design or working on a website. Or, I could be out in the backyard digging in the garden or firing up my chain saw and whacking down some branches. You get the idea. It all depends on my mood and the job that needs to be accomplished. I love being an entrepreneur and letting my mind and imagination take me where I need to go.

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