The Best Thinking Spots

The Best Thinking Spots

April 05, 20204 min read

As I sat down to write today, I was a little stumped as to what I was going to write about.  Not really a writer’s block, more of a I just can’t decide where to begin.  I tried my usual quick tip solutions, like getting up and stretching, doing some squats, and playing a quick game of solitaire, but nothing clicked.  There was only one solution, I had to go for a walk.

Thank god it’s toque weather here in Canada right now, as my hair had a horrible night’s sleep and wasn’t too keen on making any public appearances.  For those of you who aren’t Canadian, a toque can be defined as, “A close-fitting knitted or crocheted cap having no brim or a brim that is folded up to create an extra layer of fabric for warmth”.   Americans call them “beanies” but honestly that name is just ridiculous.  Toque just sounds so much more sophisticated and refined.

I have several in several different colours that transition nicely from day wear to evening wear, indoors and out.  They really are a vital piece of my wardrobe.  I especially like to wear one when I’m having a nap, or I have to fall asleep in a room that isn’t pitch dark.  I just pull the front down right over my eyes to the brim of my nose, and bam, I’m instantly transported to a perfect state of darkness and relaxation.  I bet you’ve never equated toques and Zen before?  You’re welcome.

Call me old fashioned, but I prefer to wear over-the-head type headphones, which are fine if you’re just wearing your hair or a ball hat but not if you’re wearing a toque, and especially not if you’re wearing a toque that has a gigantic pom pom on the top (see picture).  Then they become a bit of a pain in the ass.  Never one to let fashion get in my way, I tucked those headphones back behind the pom pom, cranked up the tunes and set off.

It’s only slightly embarrassing to get caught doing some air guitar while you walk, and I do have a hard time at all stoplights and crosswalks when I have to wait. I just sort of bounce around from leg to leg, hoping the gawkers in their cars will think I’m just keeping my muscles limber, and not get any indication that I’m about to break out in a full on dance routine.  Let’s face it, if I have the opportunity to dance or move my hips to the beat, then I’m doing it.  Grocery shopping, standing in line to get a coffee…and don’t even get me started on the dancing I do in my car!  That’s another story all together.

But back to my original point.  I do my best thinking and problem solving when I’m walking.  A walk in the woods is ideal but just getting outside and walking around the neighbourhood works wonders as well.  I’m not sure why exactly?  Just getting the old blood pumping and the muscles moving stirs up the juices and sends my brain into overdrive.  Something just seems to click, and I always come home ripe and ready to get to work.

Nature has such wonderful healing properties, at least for me.  I know if I’m feeling sad or blue, a good walk always lifts my spirits and gives me a much-needed boost.  And did my walk unstump my stumped brain?  That’s a great big YES!  I came home, sat down at the computer and let my fingers fly.  I also do my best writing while I wear my toque but again, this is a topic I will explore further another time.  I don’t want to overwhelm any of you with my “toquieness”.  Yes, I just made that word up, but it really should already be a word because it is fabulous.

My question to you is, where do you do your best thinking?   Just in general?  What’s your go to routine to get the brain pumping and generating new ideas?  Is it quiet contemplation on the couch? (I do that too).  Or a long drive?  On the toilet? Or, maybe just a glass of wine or if you’re really stumped, three shots of tequila and a vodka chaser?  (I reserve my right to not comment on whether or not I have used that actual technique myself).

Shoot me a comment and let me know!  Don’t be shy!

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Trish Faber

I’m a writer, a creator, a storyteller, and Jane of all trades – meaning there’s so much I like to do and am interested in. One day I’m writing some fiction, the next maybe some non-fiction. Or, I could be puttering away doing some graphic design or working on a website. Or, I could be out in the backyard digging in the garden or firing up my chain saw and whacking down some branches. You get the idea. It all depends on my mood and the job that needs to be accomplished. I love being an entrepreneur and letting my mind and imagination take me where I need to go.

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