The Road Less Travelled

The Road Less Travelled

March 23, 20204 min read

As I write these blog posts, I’ve come to realize that blog writing and novel/book writing are two completely different animals, that require two completely different skill sets.  You’d think that churning out about one thousand words a week would be a piece of cake, especially when you’ve cranked out upwards of six thousand words in a single day.  But it’s not.  At least not for me.

I’ve taken a few different courses over the years on creating an online business and implementing marketing strategies to build your brand, and all of them have a common denominator when it comes to content – map it out ahead of time.  They advise that you sit down with a calendar and create your weekly content for each month, building up to two, then three months at a time. Some even suggest a year! Then when you sit down to write, you know exactly what you need to write about.

The concept in its simplicity is brilliant.  Take away the guessing game each week and just sit down and get to work.  People swear by it and I have no doubt that it’s a strategy that works as far as time management goes.  Content is king they say!

As much as I’ve tried, I just can’t seem to do it.  I have topics lined up for two years worth of posts, yet when I sit down to write, that’s not the topic I want to write on. It’s generally not the topic that I’m feeling at the moment, and I think it shows.  I’ve struggled and deleted more posts that I was “supposed” to write because I just didn’t feel they had the passion or commitment they needed.

So as of today, the tone of my posts will change.  I’m going to write on the topics I feel passionate about.  I’m going to tell the stories I want to tell, whether they fit into the “theme” of my brand or not.  Too often we get caught up in the structure and procedure of how things are supposed to be done and forget the reason that we wanted to do them in the first place.

I want to write.  I want to share my story, my insights and passions on any given topic on any given day.  I want to explore my vulnerabilities and maybe throw you a bone or two of inspiration and motivation. If I can make you smile, then I’ll be happy. If I can make you laugh, then that’s even better.

I guess I’ve never been one to follow the rules, at least when it comes to my creativity and the way I live my life.  I’m a bit of a wild and free spirit that way.

So, if it’s okay with you, I’m just going to write these weekly posts with the random thoughts that fill my head, which are always in abundance – trust me on this one.  Who knows, I might even throw you a recipe or two, or share my experiences with “TitsnToolz” (I will explain) or my emerging interest in the blacksmithing trade.

It doesn’t feel right to preach about living your best creative life or thinking outside the box when I myself am bogged down by the structure of a business model I’m supposed to follow.

No more. From here on out, I’m winging it.  If you’re looking for some sort of content consistency, then you’re going to have to find another blog to read.  If I fail, I fail.  I’m not afraid of what happens either way.  I write because I have to, there is no other choice for me and my sanity.  I hope an audience finds me but if it doesn’t, I’m okay with that.  I have many, many imaginary friends that love me just the way I am.

As Robert Frost writes in his poem, “The Road Not Taken”:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

I also seem to take the road less travelled more often than not.  It’s just the way I am.  Just my curious nature I guess.  I like to forge my own path. Independence is something I’ve never shied away from and I’m not going to start now.  So here we go.  I’m on the road less travelled but I’m excited as hell to see where it’s going to lead.  It will be bumpy. I’m sure it will be a little confusing at times to both you and me, but I also think it’s going to be an adventure.  And who doesn’t like an adventure right?

My hope is that this will be a space for you to come and spend a few moments with me and we can shoot the shit. Well I’ll actually be the only one shooting the shit, you’ll just be reading but you get what I mean. I’m not saying I’ll have coffee on or anything, but maybe there will be a cookie or two that you can take with you for the road.

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Trish Faber

I’m a writer, a creator, a storyteller, and Jane of all trades – meaning there’s so much I like to do and am interested in. One day I’m writing some fiction, the next maybe some non-fiction. Or, I could be puttering away doing some graphic design or working on a website. Or, I could be out in the backyard digging in the garden or firing up my chain saw and whacking down some branches. You get the idea. It all depends on my mood and the job that needs to be accomplished. I love being an entrepreneur and letting my mind and imagination take me where I need to go.

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