

July 26, 20207 min read

On Saturday morning, my siblings and I received a text from my oldest brother announcing the birth of his second grandson, Wesley. Wesley was a little pokey in his arrival – eight days pokey and in his first pictures, he still looks a little sleepy. Being born is hard work. I cannot be more excited for the addition to our ever-growing extended family and I think what a lucky little boy Wesley is to be joining his wonderful loving parents and his adorable, albeit a little bossy big brother. Life is good. But the world little Wesley enters is a complicated one, especially in this time of the coronavirus and so much civil unrest. But it is also a beautiful place, one filled with love and kindness.

To help him navigate this new world, I thought I’d write him a little letter.


Dear Wesley,

Congratulations on your birth! Way to go kid! You took your time but we’re all so thrilled that you’re finally here safe and sound. You haven’t met me yet, but I’m your “Great Aunt Trish”, your Mommy’s aunt and your Grandpa Dan’s little sister. And I want you to know that I don’t take the title of “Aunt” lightly, especially when “Great” is attached to it. I’m a lot older than you are, so I thought I would just write you out a little list of life lessons I’ve learned over the years, you know, just as a little guide. I know life can get tough, and sometimes it’s nice to know that you’re not alone. I know you’re too little to read this yet, but maybe you could get your mommy or daddy to read it to you!

  • You’re never alone. You have so many people that love you and will always love you, no matter what. It’s this wonderful little thing called unconditional love and it’s the greatest gift to receive and more importantly, to give. We all make mistakes Wesley but knowing that you have people who love you to the moon and back ten thousand times makes all the difference in the world.

  • You won’t always get your way or what you want. This is a tough one, especially when you’re little and just learning about life. Sometimes you have to compromise and sometimes even when you do, things still won’t go your way. That’s okay. Life isn’t always fair. The key is to just always try to make the best of it. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to achieve what you want because you should! It just means that you should be kind and aware of others and their feelings too.

  • When you’re outside at the park and you see a bunny rabbit, chase it! You won’t ever catch it but it’s fun and the more you run, the happier your parents will be because then you’ll be tired and will fall asleep before they do.

  • Don’t be afraid to love with everything in your heart.

  • Accept others just the way they are. Don’t let anyone tell you that being different is wrong. It is not. It is beautiful.

  • Be kind. That is all. Just be kind.

  • Don’t colour with markers on the walls, floors or furniture. It’s only going to get you in a heap of trouble – even if your big brother says it’s okay – don’t listen to him.

  • No matter how old you are, never forget that curiosity you had when you were a child. Ask questions. Explore the world. Never stop learning or investigating.

  • Laugh. Laugh lots and laugh long. Laugh until your belly hurts and you pee your pants a little (you’ll understand this one more when you’re a lot older like me and have issues with bladder control). Find the humour in life and the humour in yourself. Life is short little Wesley, so laugh every chance you can.

  • If you see a flower, stop and smell it.

  • If you listen really hard, the birds and the trees blowing in the wind will tell you a story. You’ll have to use your imagination a little, but nature is always talking to us. It’s your job to figure out what it’s saying.

  • Your big brother will try and get you to do things. Don’t do it. If you need clarification on this one, come and speak to me in person. I know all about older siblings and their tricks.

  • Grow things from seeds in a garden. There is nothing more fascinating than watching a tiny seed become a plant. Get your hands dirty, plant things, learn to nurture them and they’ll grow big and strong, just like you.

  • Dance. Never be afraid to dance Wesley. It’s so much fun!

  • Be thankful. Practice gratitude for all the wonderful things and people in your life and in the world. Understand that not everyone is as lucky as we are Wesley and always do what you can to help others. It will make your little heart happy.

  • Never be afraid to be you. You were made just the way you are because that’s what nature intended.

  • Remember those who came before you. They are a part of your history and a part of your life. You are their legacy, their blood runs through you.

  • Ask your parents a lot of questions. All the time. Trust me, it’s fun. Oh, and play the drums. They will love that too!

  • If you fall, get right back up and try again. And if you fall again, then get right back up again. Falling is how you learn Wesley, so never see it as a bad thing. It teaches you to be strong, and sometimes when you fall a lot (like I do), you develop a lot of different ways to get back up, and that’s important. You become what is called “resilient”. I know you don’t understand what that word means yet, but you will. Everything in life just takes time.

  • Believe in magic.

This is just a small list Wesley, I have so many more things I’d like to tell you, but right now you’re just brand new and have your hands full just trying to eat, sleep and poop. But one day, I’ll sit you on my lap and we can have a chat, one on one, just you and me. I’ll tell you about your Mom when she was little and the funny things she did, and I’ll tell you about your Grandpa Dan and what a big pest he was to his little sister and all of his siblings!

I’ll tell you about your Great-Grandma Joyce and your Great-Grandpa Bruce. Boy, they would have both loved to have met you, held you in their arms, and given you snuggles and kisses. Always remember Wesley that they will never be far away because they will always be in your heart, and they will always be watching over you from heaven, as will your Great-Grandma Joan.

I know you probably fell asleep ages ago, and that’s okay. You’ll soon learn that I like to talk a lot. You’ll get used to it though. You’ll also learn that a lot of words rhyme with the number two and that made up songs as you go along are some of the best songs ever!

I’m so excited to have you in the world little Wesley! And I can’t wait to meet you and snuggle you in person. Until then, I send you every bit of love that I have – and I can tell you that that is a lot – so be prepared for a tonne of snuggles and kisses when I am lucky enough to hold you in my arms.

Welcome to the world Wesley! I love you!


Your Great-Aunt Trish (or just Anutie TeeTaw for short)

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Trish Faber

I’m a writer, a creator, a storyteller, and Jane of all trades – meaning there’s so much I like to do and am interested in. One day I’m writing some fiction, the next maybe some non-fiction. Or, I could be puttering away doing some graphic design or working on a website. Or, I could be out in the backyard digging in the garden or firing up my chain saw and whacking down some branches. You get the idea. It all depends on my mood and the job that needs to be accomplished. I love being an entrepreneur and letting my mind and imagination take me where I need to go.

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