This Isn’t Goodbye…Just See You Later!

This Isn’t Goodbye…Just See You Later!

February 07, 20217 min read

First of all, let me say thank you to all of you who continue to read these posts on a weekly basis. The fact that I even have people who willingly click the link each and every week to read my musings is quite astonishing to me. I know these haven’t been the typical “content building” blog posts that traditionally comprise a blog, but I’ve never been one to conform to what is traditional or typical for that matter.

Committing to a weekly post is hard and there have been some weeks, especially lately, where I thought it wasn’t going to happen. It’s not that I’ve run out of things to say, I think it’s more that I’m feeling the need to channel those thoughts and ideas into something longer and more concrete, where maybe you, the reader, becomes more invested in the outcomes.

I’ve always been a storyteller. It’s what I love to do. I love developing characters, both real and imaginary, and sending them on their little journeys and just seeing what happens. And I sort of feel like I am one of my characters right now, developing and finding her way on her own little journey. Writing this blog has been a journey that’s for sure, and many times this past year it’s been a great friend and companion.

But sometimes, one journey must end, so another can begin, which is why this will be my last weekly blog post for the foreseeable future. I may check in once a month or when the mood strikes me, but I won’t be coming to you every Sunday morning anymore. I think you’re probably sick of hearing from me that often anyways!

I’m not going to stop writing – on the contrary. My mind is exploding right now, and I currently have an adult novel and a children’s novel on the go. I’m also working on creating an online course or two about creativity and living your best creative life, and a thousand more things swirling about, so I’m definitely not disappearing. I’m just sort of getting started I think, and I’m so ridiculously excited to get going!

Pausing my weekly posts hadn’t even been on my radar. Then Tuesday night, I came home from work late, sat down on the couch and just decided. I was tired and super cranky dealing with the pain in my ankle (See last week’s post) and I just decided that I didn’t want to bring that kind of energy to my posts. I’m here to try and inspire and motivate, not whine, and I feel like this is a good time to press the stop and reset button, as I re-evaluate, and shift gears a little.

I am incredibly grateful, more than you know. The last few years have been tough and at times the grief has been unbearable. I found myself spiraling deep into a rut I honestly wasn’t all that sure I was going to be able to get out of. I’d stopped writing. I’d stopped imagining. I’d stopped being curious. I’d stopped being me. And all of you, and all of your support and encouragement, gave all that back to me.

You gave me a purpose every week and forced me to be consistent and disciplined. I didn’t want to let you down because if I let you down and only half-assed it, then I’d be letting myself down, and that’s something I just couldn’t afford to do. So, thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am in such a different place these days, and the journey of these weekly posts is what helped get me there. They made me think. They made me make conclusions about my life and how I was feeling and where I was headed.

It’s not always easy to put yourself out there and share your innermost thoughts. It can be downright scary. I never know what people are going to think or how they’re going to react, but I had to take that chance. Because, let’s be honest, if you never take that chance or take that risk, you’ll never know what you can accomplish or how you can move your life forward.

When I started this almost a year ago, I was desperate to move my life forward. I was so stuck in a cycle of overwhelming sadness and despair. When my Dad got sick, I had to put off so many things that I’d been planning and working on. I don’t regret it; it was just what I had to do. Then when he passed away, much of the joy and happiness in my life passed too. And for the longest time, I struggled with how I was going to get that back. Many days, I wondered if I ever would. I truly wasn’t sure.

The joy is back. The happiness is back. I will admit I’m a little cranky since I fell down the stairs and re-injured my ankle but in the grand scheme of things, I’m feeling more like my curious, bratty self again. But I’ve also changed. I want more. I want more joy and more happiness and more curiosity and more learning. I want more creating and more laughing and more freedom to do the things I want to do and create the works I want to create. I will not settle. I cannot settle. Not anymore.

This past year has been a challenge for all of us. And I think many of us have been forced to really look at our lives and figure out just what the heck we want out of this great gift we’ve been given. I know I have. My dreams have never changed. I want to be a writer. I want to be a storyteller. I want to create things that will leave a lasting impression and maybe inspire you a little bit to follow your own dreams, and hopefully with this blog I’ve done that to an extent.

Maybe it was the pain medication I took Tuesday night or maybe it was just my mother smacking me upside my head, but I had this incredible moment of clarity and I saw deep into the future. I liked what I saw. No, that’s a lie, I loved what I saw. Now, it’s up to me to take the steps to get there.

Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading. Thank you for helping me regain my confidence as a writer and a creator. As I said, the journey isn’t over, I’m just taking an exit to another freeway, one with a little less traffic and a much higher speed limit. If you’ll let me, I’ll keep you posted as to what I’m up to, either on this blog or through email (you can sign up here).

I’ll leave you with the cheesiest of cheese a writer can throw at you. This isn’t about closing the book; it’s just about writing a new chapter. (See I told it was going to be cheesy).

Stay inspired. Stay curious. Stay creative. Do what you need to do to follow your dreams. And above all, never give up hope. We all have so much to give. Don’t be afraid to open up your heart and share it with others. It’s scary as hell but so worth it.

Until we meet again…

(Or until something bizarre happens in my life and I feel the need to share, which let’s be honest will probably happen later this week).

Take care of yourselves and please don’t be afraid to reach out and say hi! You can check out my Facebook page, follow me on Twitter (@trishfaber), Instagram or sign up for my email list. I won’t be far and I promise I’ll be back soon to share some news on some new projects!

Peace and love,


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Trish Faber

I’m a writer, a creator, a storyteller, and Jane of all trades – meaning there’s so much I like to do and am interested in. One day I’m writing some fiction, the next maybe some non-fiction. Or, I could be puttering away doing some graphic design or working on a website. Or, I could be out in the backyard digging in the garden or firing up my chain saw and whacking down some branches. You get the idea. It all depends on my mood and the job that needs to be accomplished. I love being an entrepreneur and letting my mind and imagination take me where I need to go.

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